version 1.9.4 is ready
Version 1.9.4
- Add UI Mask Support
- Add World Grass / Grass Distortion UV
- Add World Grass / Grass Mask Distortion UV
- Add Generate Texture Atlas UV ( an alternative solution to make Atlas Compatible with some FX )
- Add Gradiant 4 Palettes ( 4 colors )
- Add Gradiant Palette texture
- Add Cull Mode to the Build Shader
- Remove and Fix Arrow keys for editing values
Shadero Sprite 1.9.4 – 02:24
— Vetasoft Assets
I use TexturePacker to create textures with all the sprites, and the UV effects is applied to the complete texture, and create strange result
With "Add Generate Texture Atlas UV ( an alternative solution to make Atlas Compatible with some FX )", can I resolve this problem, even if I use TexturePacker ? The UV is applied only to the sprite and center on it ?