Some Shader Questions.
I am using Unity 2017.1 & 2017.2 and the Shader Sprite v1.4.0
After following the tutorials.. I am able to create a Shadero Sprite Shader & New Material and I drag the Shader Sprite Shader into the Material.
I then go to ...Window .... select.. Shadero Sprite Shader Editor and dock it into Unity.On the Shader editor screen...
I select to use my own Material, and drag the material in and then I drag the Shadero Sprite shader into the Build shader.
The only problem is every time I restart Unity or load a different Shadero project I have to redrag these Shader and Materials every time.
Am I doing something wrong or is that how it works?Also sometime when I select some effects/nodes in the Shader node tree.. the Active live preview Material will either go blank or be unresponsive. Usually when I restart Unity or click away from it for a while it will reappear and work again. Not sure if its a bug or if I am doing something wrong.
I am still learning the software so I apologize if I am doing something wrong.
Either way, I am very impressed with Shader Sprite and look forward to learning more. '
Hi, thanks for your feedback
I select to use my own Material, and drag the material in and then I drag the Shadero Sprite shader into the Build shader.
The only problem is every time I restart Unity or load a different Shadero project I have to redrag these Shader and Materials every time.
Am I doing something wrong or is that how it works?The restart and redrag shader and material was mainly done to avoid some issue. But we are working to avoid this and to keep the material and the shader. We need some extra time for that and we hope to solve this in our next release.
Also sometime when I select some effects/nodes in the Shader node tree.. the Active live preview Material will either go blank or be unresponsive. Usually when I restart Unity or click away from it for a while it will reappear and work again. Not sure if its a bug or if I am doing something wrong.
This is a strange issue, we would love to solve that if we have some detail like the Unity version, the platform used etc.
Glad that you like Shadero Sprite, and that's for the feedback
Hey I am using the free version of Unity 2017.2.0f3 and Mac OS 10.12.6 on a MacBook Pro 3.1 GHZ Intel Core i7 Quad Core 16GB of Ram.
I am trying to follow along to the morphing tutorial on your site and when I add the nodes everything works fine until I add the third node.. Shadero becomes unresponsive. I try to right click to add a new node and it won't let me.
I also try to adjust current nodes and it won't let me.
Also on the main Shadero UI that says that shows preview and under it says "Active Live Animation and Use your own Material."
It used to say new Shader Project, save Shader project and Load Shader Project... now it is all blank and says nothing.I also notice in your pictures on the tutorial that the color of your Shadero Sprite is a dark grey... mine is a light grey. I only have the free version of Unity and not the Premium or Pro Version.
I really want to use Shadero Sprite but when I follow the tutorial's Shadero becomes very unresponsive after I add a few nodes.
Please help.
Thank you.
Hi Undiscovered,
We are trying to understand the issue but we can't reproduce the error.
Did you manage to get Shadero Sprite work properly ?
If not we would love to fix the issue. The unity version free or Pro should work. Many customers use Shadero with both version.
Maybe could you try to create a new project and add Shadero on hit ?
Also maybe the new version 1.6.0 will fix the issue, if you still have it.