Some error

  • Hi,

    I get this error if i try to use Fx's
    Shader error in 'New Shadero Sprite Shader': Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting TVAL_ID or TVAL_VARREF at line 13

    also every node are duplicate in the editor when i try to create something

  • Hi Sybere,

    In order to reproduce and solve this issue

    Could we have more details, what Unity version did you use in what plateform ?

    Best Regards,

  • Hi,

    Now i use unity 2017.3.0f3, in windows 10, target platform is Xbox(Universal Windows Platform now) and Pc also i use Amplify shader editor too.

  • Same problem, Unity 2017.40f1, windows 10, target platform is android

  • I found out, that this errors, occures only when using .NET 4.6, is there any solution to fix that?

  • We are investigating.

    Thank you for this information, we tried to reproduce the problem and it still works for us, it's additional information will help us understand where the issue comes from.


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