Shaders Editing

  • Is it possible to open up and then edit with the visual node editor of your other asset ShaderoSprite the 2DXFX: 2D SPRITE FX shaders?

    Thank you.

  • 2DxFX are both separate asset, you can't load or manipulate shader from 2DxFX with Shadero Sprite.

    In fact, 2DxFX use script, and some effect need to be manipulate by script.

    Many effects from 2DxFX was designed to work with a script.

    Like the jelly effect, ( the jelly react from change and require coding)

    Shader made with Shadero Sprite, doesn't need to use a script to work. You need however, to create your script if you want to make, for example, the same effect from the Jelly Auto Move.

    In other word, 2DxFX is a premade package of shader that work with script.

    Hope it's help,

  • Thank you for the detailed response. We bought this Asset as well. After using it everything was quickly understood and clear. It is a worthy addition to the "Tool Belt". I personally like having the option to use scripts to manipulate and then having the option on top of everything using ShaderoSprite. Together they are a combined force and make both sides of a team happy which is also a priceless feature. :laughing:

    Thank you for creating these Tools!


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