Hi,I have a issue about shader "HolographicTint".

  • Hi

    Dose Shader "HolographicTint" can roll slanted? (move form "left up" to right bottom") .

    I try to edit the shader.
    But It is complex to me.

    Now I know If I edit the code at 128 line:
    float y = Holo1mod(uv.y4. + _TimeX / 2. + sin(_TimeX + sin(_TimeX0.63)), 1.);

    uv.y -> uv.x

    It can change from vertical to horizon.

    Advanced...example: move form "left up" to right bottom".
    I don't know how to do.
    (Because I found maybe I need "Big Edit" -> float to float2...)
    It is hard to me.

    Can anyone help me?
    Or Tip?


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