Shadero Sprite property tag support - [Per Renderer Data] tag support specifically
Hello, I'm currently working on some shaders each with their own materials but the materials need to be used in multiple locations at the same time but with slight variants - typical stuff like different textures and different colours so I thought I'd use a material property block like I normally would and then use the [PerRendererData] tag on the property.
But I can't seem to find a way to do this using the ShaderoSprite plugin - it isn't an option on any of the nodes. So I tried just editing the shader code manually to add it which worked. But then when I made a change to the shader in the plugin the property tag was deleted - not helpful - so I can add the tag but anytime I want to modify the shader I have to add the tag back which is quite inconvenient as I have several shaders to do this too.
Is there any way support for property tags could be added to the plugin or even stop them being deleted when I update the shader as it would save me so much time when I make a change.
Similarly, the naming of properties - I know you've set it up to auto name properties to make it quicker but it's also a real hindrance when you cannot set custom names for parameters that you want to modify outside of the shader.
For example, I'm trying to set a texture at runtime and I couldn't figure out which of the three textures in the shader, it was supposed to be so I had to try changing them all to figure it out. Then when I finally figured it out and got it working I made some changes and the shader recompiled and changed the parameter name from "SourceTexture_1" to "SourceTexture_2" or something similar and I couldn't figure out why my shader wasn't working anymore.
Adding custom name support would prevent this as it would be marked custom and not affected by a recompile.Any info anyone can give me towards a possible solution for both my problems would be great @Vetasoft