HDRCreate_value has a bad max value in Unity editor
the HDRCreate_value has a bad max value in the Unity editor
In the Shadero Editor, I can set to the Hdr Create intensity from 0 to 4, but the created parameter for the material _HdrCreate_Value_1 has a range from 0 to 2, not to 4
Same problem for the Hdr Control ValueI use this parameters with animations, and it's really a problem
Can you fix it ?
Is a workaround exists to force the max value in Unity Editor ?Thanks
Thanks for reporting this, we will fix in on our next release
I still have the problem
Is this probem fixed ??Thanks,
On a newly created Shader, I still get :
_HdrCreate_Value_1("_HdrCreate_Value_1", Range(-2, 2)) = 1 :(
We can't beleive that we have forgot it on our last release.
You can quickly modify it, search hdrcreate.cs on the Project windows and replace the line 116 with this :
string DefaultParameters1 = ", Range(0, 4)) = " + Variable.ToString();
It's already set for the version 1.9.4
Sorry about that,
Best Regards,
I have also changed HDRControlValue.cs ;)
Hi, is this bug corrected ?
I have installed the last version, and this bug still exists for the HdrControlValue
You forget this file :(
I have written that in my old post in AugustI will correct it... again... and my new shaders... again...
Still no release ??
Still no release ??