water reflex direction question
this is wrong:
and I want this:
the reflection in water is right direction.
is there a unity scence example will be better .
picture is wrong.
wront(mine):pic mine
right:Pic example
for the distortion, try to use the the sprite available on the examples/sprite folder
try with that
and that
there is also an example of the water distortion effect on the Example_Lighting scene
hope it's help,
Best Regards,
It didn't work as my except always. but thanks any way.
after all, I can't implementation this effect
Could you add an example like this to 2dxfx example scene?
The Example_Lightning scene have no the effect I wan't
This is I want:
thanks for reply,
@Vetasoft Is there any example or solution for reflection in water?
hope reply!
thanks.And what's the strange picture? web pages bug?
Hi Pascal,
We also found strange for us to see those smiley, it's appear that is only from your message.
Do you have a screen to show us, in order to fix it ?
@Vetasoft The strange face only showed side by punctuation before.
and now it's ok .
Did the reflection only could made by Shadero Sprite?
2DxFx couldn't do this?But I see the effect in the introduce video on the 2DxFx page of unity asset.
like :
Can I get the effect with 2DxFx?
(The strange face may relate to the char code,UTF-8,GBK something,My system language is Chinese .)
English interrogation mark:?
Chinese interrogation mark:?
you need to use WaterAndBackgroundDeluxe
http://www.vetasoft.store/2dxfx/Effects/WaterAndBackgroundDeluxe.htmlMake sur the the sorted layer is set after all the sprite and background, depending on how you want that effect.
Same issue here...
Sorry I'm new 2DxFX user, so I'm not really understand about it. I try every step but I cannot get the water reflection. Can I get more sample scene or source code please? or do you have another tutorial about it? Thanks
Hello Dimas,
Water reflexion can be showed the reflexion if the water layer are set in top of the character sprite.
Hope it's work,
Best Regards,