How can I use effect with spine gameobject?
just like title,I don't known how to use this with spine gameobjec.?
I can't add material for a spine gameobject.
2DxFX work only with SpriteRenderer and Unity UI Canvas.
However, like many customers, you can use 2DxFX as a complement to your spine gameobject.
I know add a complement to spine gameobject,bug I can‘t made a good effect what I want.May be I should Learn more,the time I use unity is too short.
I got a way to use effect with spine( with MeshRenderer)
this is it: MrSkinny got the problem solved,he is an enthusiastic people and his solution used easily!
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Hi Pascal,
There is a thread here:
we also found strange for us to see those smiley face, it's appear that is only from your messages