If you like Shadero, please rate it on the asset store
In order to improve our asset for the best, we need you to rate Shadero on the asset store.
We are always sad to see a bad review directly on the asset store without having the chance to solve the problem.
Shadero is young, as for Unity versions, Windows versions, iOS versions, even in release version, there may be bugs or last-minute errors, depending on different configuration, different plug-in installed. These few errors can be corrected most of the time in few minutes.
This is what we do, it has happened to us to have a bug reported by a client following a certain configuration and the fix was available the same day.
How to know if the problem comes from us, or a conflict with other plugins without any informations? Unity version? These are difficult things and the asset store should, normally, aware a customer to contact the publisher first in order to find a solution, if the problem persists, the bad rating is deserved and we are fully aware of this.
Our policy is to solve any problem and improve our assets to have the most stable, the most complete and the most efficient asset available on the store.
Remember that all the updates are free.
We want to be proud of our work.
Thanks for reading
-Vetasoft Team
I have recently bought Shadero. I will do some major work with it in my recent project and then will write a comprehensive review for you in asset store. Thank you and look forward to work with Shadero.
I've asked a question on the unity forum and I have sent a support email to you directly and haven't heard back from either. I did this many weeks ago. I haven't reviewed the asset yet because I do not want to rush to judgment, but I would like to review it soon.